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What scientific criteria can be used to develop animal welfare labelling for food products?

What scientific criteria can be used to develop animal welfare labelling for food products?

Our news

Vector-borne diseases: a concern for cattle health
 vecteurs dans les élevages bovins

Vector-borne diseases: a concern for cattle health

The common factor linking bluetongue, epizootic haemorrhagic disease, besnoitiosis, etc. is that they are all caused by pathogens transmitted to ruminants by arthropods such as ticks, midges or mosquitoes. ANSES has funded a review of studies carried out in metropolitan France, which highlighted the many gaps in current knowledge about the vectors found on cattle farms and the pathogens they can transmit. Such knowledge is nevertheless essential given current global changes, which are having an impact on vector distribution and therefore on the epidemiology of vector-borne diseases in livestock.
What are the most common causes of serious cases of accidental poisoning in children?
Intoxications pédiatriques

What are the most common causes of serious cases of accidental poisoning in children?

Produits de nettoyage, médicaments, appareils de chauffage, piles-boutons font partie de notre quotidien mais peuvent être sources d’accidents pour nos enfants. Les intoxications dont ils sont victimes sont fréquentes et parfois graves, surtout pour les plus jeunes. C’est ce que mentionne le bilan de l’Anses qui a analysé, en collaboration avec Santé publique France, différentes données issues des Centres antipoison (CAP), des passages aux urgences, des hospitalisations et des décès de 2014 à 2020. Ces accidents étant évitables, il est indispensable de sensibiliser l’entourage des enfants à ces risques et aux bonnes pratiques pour les prévenir.
Triphenyl phosphate, an endocrine disruptor for species in the environment

Triphenyl phosphate, an endocrine disruptor for species in the environment

Triphenyl phosphate is a substance used as a flame retardant and/or plasticiser in a wide variety of materials and equipment. In view of its endocrine-disrupting properties for species in the environment, which have been determined mainly in fish, the Agency is proposing to identify triphenyl phosphate as a substance of very high concern, within the meaning of the European REACH Regulation. The aim is to better regulate the use of this chemical on the European continent. This ANSES proposal is available for public consultation on the website of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) until 15 April, to give stakeholders the opportunity to provide additional data.
Strengthening the classification of diphenylguanidine used to manufacture rubber
classification de la diphénylguanidine

Strengthening the classification of diphenylguanidine used to manufacture rubber

Diphenylguanidine is a substance used mainly in the manufacture of rubber. Following its assessment, ANSES is proposing that its European classification be strengthened in order to better protect human health from neurological disorders as well as damage to fertility and development in particular. This classification proposal under the CLP Regulation (for classification, labelling and packaging of products) has been available for public consultation on the website of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) since 18 March 2024, to enable all stakeholders to comment or provide any additional information on this substance.
One H International Symposium 2024
Une vache et un homme

12-13-14 June 2024

One H International Symposium 2024

Rue Pierre Coubertin, Saint-Brieuc
Public :
Palais des Congrès et des Expositions de Saint-Brieuc
The International One H Symposium will bring together players in the animal, environmental and human health sectors for a comprehensive review of the transmission of infectious diseases from animals to humans using a “One Health” perspective.
Endocrine disruptors: the new research challenges
Perturbateurs endocriniens 13/06/2024

13 june 2024

Endocrine disruptors: the new research challenges

Public :
Maison de la RATP - Espace du centenaire - 58 Quai de la Rappée - 75012 Paris
The French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) and the French Research Agency (ANR) are pleased to invite you to their second scientific conference on endocrine disruptors (EDs).

Focus on

PFASs: very persistent chemicals

PFASs: very persistent chemicals

Over the years, these properties of persistence, mobility and accumulation in living organisms have led to the human population being increasingly exposed to PFASs. According to EFSA (2020) , seafood...
Toxic plants

Toxic plants

Some toxic plants resemble edible plants and may be confused with them, not only in the wild but also in the garden or vegetable patch. Picking plants for consumption is not without risk: 250 cases...
Avian influenza in 11 questions

Avian influenza in 11 questions

Avian influenza is a highly contagious viral infection occurring in wild and domestic birds, including poultry. Wild bird migration periods and movements have an impact on the risk of virus...


Our Laboratories

Our Laboratories

Veterinary medicinal products
Médicaments vétérinaires

Veterinary medicinal products

Agency news

Inside ANSES
Environmental health

The fundamental principles underlying ANSES’s vigilance schemes

ANSES coordinates seven vigilance schemes aimed at identifying adverse effects caused by several types of products and foods. What are the fundamental principles underpinning this mission at the Agency? What do the new vigilance schemes for cosmetics and tattoos involve? What is the outlook for these schemes? Juliette Bloch, Director of Health Alerts and Vigilance, answers our questions.
Inside ANSES
Plant health

New partnership between ANSES and the Croatian Agency for Agriculture and Food

On 1 March 2024, ANSES signed its first cooperation partnership agreement with the Croatian Agency for Agriculture and Food (HAPIH). The two agencies have areas of expertise in common relating to animal and plant health, and food safety.
Inside ANSES
Animal health and welfare

ANSES and GDS France renew their partnership of over ten years in veterinary public health

Today, Benoit Vallet, Director General of ANSES, and Christophe Moulin, President of the French Federation of Animal Health Protection Groups (GDS France), renewed their framework partnership agreement aimed at strengthening the prevention, surveillance and control of certain animal diseases that have a major impact on French livestock farming.
Inside ANSES

Our 2024 work programme

ANSES's new work programme puts into perspective the principal activities of the Agency for 2024, in light of strategic orientations in our five main fields of action: food, animal health & welfare, environmental health, plant health and occupational health. Having been the topic of discussions with the International Science Council and ANSES’s Scientific Board, it will ensure the continuation and development of ANSES's activities, in support of public action.