Interministerial symposium Antibiotic resistance

Antimicrobial resistance monitoring: data for action

The monitoring of antimicrobial drug use data and of the development of antimicrobial resistance is an essential tool enabling implementation of a coherent policy to combat antimicrobial resistance. On Wednesday November 20th, in the framework of European Antibiotic Awareness Day, the Ministries of Ecology, Health & Solidarity, and Food & Agriculture are holding an interministerial symposium on this topic in Paris.

The first part of the symposium will be devoted to the European Agencies’ views on these issues. The second part will concentrate on showing how the monitoring data available in France aids public authorities in adjusting their national strategy. The third round table will present examples of real-life initiatives in the fight against antimicrobial resistance using monitoring data. The symposium will conclude with discussions on the outlook for the future and ways to optimise the use of data in combating antimicrobial resistance.

Jean-Yves Madec, ANSES’s Scientific director in charge of antimicrobial resistance, will take part in the late morning round-table session on “Data for national action”. For the symposium, ANSES is publishing two reports on antimicrobial resistance and animal health.