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Nathalie Lonnel
Press Officer - 01 49 77 13 77
Judith Nadjar
Press Officer - 01 49 77 22 26
Shana Paquay De Plater
Press Officer - 01 49 77 28 20
Elena Tchirvina - Seité
Head press officer - 01 49 77 27 80


Two calls for research proposals to gain a better understanding of environmental and occupational health risks
Actualité APR PNR EST

Two calls for research proposals to gain a better understanding of environmental and occupational health risks

Under the National Research Programme for Environmental and Occupational Health (PNR EST), ANSES is launching two calls for research proposals. The aim is to gain a better understanding of issues that are still relatively unexplored, but which are considered to be of major importance to human health and ecosystems.
How green peach aphids resist neonicotinoid insecticides
Un puceron vert du pêcher

How green peach aphids resist neonicotinoid insecticides

Neonicotinoids have long been used to combat aphids in crops Repeated use of these active substances has led to the selection of insects capable of resisting them. A study on the green peach aphid carried out by ANSES in collaboration with a research scientist from the University of Exeter (UK), revealed that resistance was based on two distinct mechanisms in this species. One is specific to the product's mode of action and the other is based on its degradation. The scientists' findings show that interactions between resistance mechanisms are possible, which is vital knowledge for adapting and adjusting control strategies.
LEDs in toys: ANSES calls for a revision of the "eye safety" section of the European standard
Un hand spinner lumineux

LEDs in toys: ANSES calls for a revision of the "eye safety" section of the European standard

The safety of electric toys is verified according to a European standard that was updated in 2020. ANSES recently conducted an in-depth examination of the new protocol for verifying that toys containing LEDs are safe for eyes. It concluded that the revised version is unable to guarantee compliance with the limit values for protecting children's eyes. ANSES therefore recommends suspending application of the updated part of the standard relating to eye safety and revising it without delay.
A draft expert appraisal report on "Radiofrequencies and cancer" submitted for public consultation

A draft expert appraisal report on "Radiofrequencies and cancer" submitted for public consultation

Since ANSES's last general expert appraisal on the health effects of exposure to radiofrequencies in 2013, new data have been published in numerous scientific studies. The Agency therefore undertook a revision of its expert appraisal on the carcinogenic risk from exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields. To do this, it applied an international reference method for assessing the weight of evidence to the new data. It is now submitting the corresponding draft expert appraisal report for public consultation, in order to collect any scientific comments that need to be taken into account when drafting the final version of the report. This public consultation began on 30 September 2024. The deadline, initially scheduled for 30 October, has been extended to 25 November 2024.
Antimicrobial resistance in animal health: a One Health approach
Antibiorésistance en santé animale et dans l’environnement

Antimicrobial resistance in animal health: a One Health approach

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Antibiotic-resistant bacteria represent a major health problem in France and beyond. ANSES works alongside other organisations to ensure that antibiotics remain effective. More specifically, we are responsible for monitoring their use in veterinary medicine, as well as the emergence and spread of resistance in bacteria found in livestock, food and the environment.
Breast milk: nutritional benefits and health issues
Lait maternel

Breast milk: nutritional benefits and health issues

ANSES has carried out two specific expert appraisals on breast milk, to follow on from its study on dietary exposure of non-breastfed children under three years of age to chemical contaminants. The results show the importance of reducing exposure to chemical contaminants that accumulate in the environment and the body throughout life, and can then be found in breast milk. At the same time, ANSES confirms the beneficial effects of consuming breast milk, which may reduce the risk of overweight or certain diseases in children.
Population health: Santé Publique France and ANSES launch the first phase of the Albane survey
Enquête Albane

Population health: Santé Publique France and ANSES launch the first phase of the Albane survey

On 16 September 2024, Santé Publique France and ANSES launched the first phase of the Albane survey, a continuous assessment of the health and chemical exposure of the French population, designed to improve our understanding of their links with food and the environment.
What are the risks and impacts of diseases transmitted by the tiger mosquito?
Piqûre par un moustique tigre

What are the risks and impacts of diseases transmitted by the tiger mosquito?

The tiger mosquito is now found in 78 départements of mainland France. Its presence increases the risk of an epidemic of dengue fever, chikungunya or Zika. In an expert appraisal published on 13 September 2024, ANSES concluded that there was a fairly high probability of such an epidemic occurring. This could have health, economic and social impacts, particularly on the healthcare and tourism sectors.

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