Expert assessment
2 min

A draft expert appraisal report on "Radiofrequencies and cancer" submitted for public consultation

Since ANSES's last general expert appraisal on the health effects of exposure to radiofrequencies in 2013, new data have been published in numerous scientific studies. The Agency therefore undertook a revision of its expert appraisal on the carcinogenic risk from exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields. To do this, it applied an international reference method for assessing the weight of evidence to the new data. It is now submitting the corresponding draft expert appraisal report for public consultation, in order to collect any scientific comments that need to be taken into account when drafting the final version of the report. This public consultation will run from 30 September to 30 October 2024.

A review of knowledge on the links between exposure to radiofrequencies and cancer risk

Radiofrequencies have been a health, environmental and societal concern for several years now, in France and abroad. Research is continuing with the aim of better characterising the health effects of exposure to these radiofrequencies, in particular their classification as a carcinogen.

ANSES has published several expert opinions on the health effects of exposure to radiofrequencies, including cancer: in 2013 for adults and in 2016 for children. In 2022, it also published an opinion on the potential health effects of 5G communication technology.

Many scientific studies have been published since 2013. In particular, they have explored the biological mechanisms known to induce cancers that may result from exposure to electromagnetic fields. They also include epidemiological studies analysing the statistical associations between, for example, mobile phone use and the development of brain tumours. Studies on animal models have also been taken into account.

A draft report submitted for consultation in keeping with the Agency's principle of openness to society

In order to take this new knowledge into account, the Agency carried out a new expert appraisal to assess the weight of the scientific evidence available to date on the level of association between exposure to radiofrequencies and cancer, using a methodology directly inspired by international standards. The corresponding draft expert appraisal report has been submitted for public consultation until 30 October 2024 inclusive.

Additional scientific data and comments collected during the consultation will be examined with a view to their possible inclusion in the final version of the expert appraisal report.

A discussion meeting will be organised to present the analysis of the comments received and the main changes planned to the expert appraisal report. The expert appraisal will then conclude with the publication of an ANSES opinion based on the finalised report after this consultation.

This public consultation phase is in keeping with ANSES's principle of openness to society on topics of great scientific and societal importance. Regarding radiofrequencies, in 2011 the Agency set up a Dialogue Committee on "Radiofrequencies and health" as a forum for exchanges, discussion and information on scientific questions relating to the potential health effects of radiofrequencies and their assessment.

To submit a comment on the "Radiofrequencies and cancer" expert appraisal report, visit the public consultation page (in French).