19/01/2017 2 min

Luc Derepas appointed as Chairman of ANSES's Board of Administrators

By Presidential Decree dated 17 January 2017, Luc Derepas, State Councillor, has been appointed Chairman of the Board of Administrators of the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES). He succeeds Professor Didier Houssin, who had been the Board’s Chairman since December 2013.

By a Decree of the President of the Republic dated 17 January 2017, Luc Derepas is henceforth Chairman of the Board of Administrators of ANSES. The role of the Chairman of the Board of Administrators is central to the governance of the Agency as the Chair is responsible for coordinating and facilitating the work of the Agency's Board of Administrators, made up of representatives of the five colleges set up by the Grenelle environmental round table. The Chair of the ANSES Board of Administrators is a non-executive and unpaid role.

Luc Derepas’s legal knowledge of agricultural issues, labour law, and health and social issues will be valuable assets for ANSES as regards the examination of topics relating to its organisation and operation, in the framework of both its regulatory and risk assessment activities.

Luc Derepas is a graduate of ENA and of the Institute of Political Studies of Bordeaux. He began his career at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in the Directorate for the United Nations and International Organisations (1989-1991). He joined the French Embassy in Bonn, Germany, in 1992, then held a position in the Sub-Directorate for Nuclear Non-proliferation of the Ministry's Strategic Affairs Directorate.

He joined the French Council of State in 1997, as Rapporteur to the Council’s Litigation Section, with responsibility for issues relating to local authorities, agriculture and competition, and also as Rapporteur to the Social Section.

In 2003, he was appointed Assistant General Administrator of the Réunion des Musées Nationaux (French National Museum Alliance - RMN).
From 2005 to 2010, he was successively Rapporteur to the Litigation Section of the Council of State (social issues and labour law) and Rapporteur to the Interior Section (constitutional, justice and interior issues).
In 2010 he joined the International Labour Organization as legal adviser to the International Labour Office.
In 2012, Luc Derepas became the Secretary General for Immigration and Integration at the Ministry of the Interior, before being promoted to Director General for Foreigners in France until 2015.

Since 2015, Luc Derepas has been an Assessor for the Fifth Chamber of the Litigation Section in charge of cases relating to medical liability, the audiovisual sector and litigation concerning agricultural structures.

During his hearing before the French Parliament, Luc Derepas identified four key challenges for the Agency's Board of Administrators: “to ensure the necessary conditions for a high level of collective, adversarial expert appraisal with the support of the recently renewed Scientific Board, to guarantee the credibility of the Agency’s work by its independence, to constantly check that the Agency has the means to carry out its missions and, finally, to strengthen its position in Europe and in the international scientific community."

The ANSES Board of Administrators was renewed on 21 November 2016

Set up in close consultation with stakeholders from civil society, the Agency’s system of governance reinforces not only the independence of its expert appraisals, but also its transparency and openness to society and to all those concerned by the issues it deals with.

The ANSES Board of Administrators sets the Agency’s general policy guidelines, including its multi-year strategy, its annual work programme, and its Goals and Performance Contract with the State. It deliberates on the Agency’s general organisation and the establishment of agreements with external organisations, and is involved in setting ethical standards.

In addition to its Chairman, the ANSES Board of Administrators consists of the five colleges of the Grenelle environmental round table – public authorities, trades unions, professional organisations, NGOs and voluntary associations, and elected officials – along with qualified individuals and representatives of Agency personnel.

The members of the Board of Administrators were appointed by Ministerial Order dated 21 November 2016.