09/12/2016 1 min

Seven public organisations for research, expert appraisal and risk assessment in the areas of health and the environment commit to promoting openness to society in their work

ANSES, BRGM, IFSTTAR, INERIS, IRSN, IRSTEA and Santé publique France today sign a charter for openness to society. Despite their diversity, these seven public organisations all fulfil a common role in the general interest: assessment of risks in the areas of health and the environment and of methods for reducing risk, with a view to supporting decision making. Through the signing of this charter, they affirm or reaffirm their shared commitment to dialogue with the players of civil society within the context of their expert appraisal and research activities.

Initially signed in 2008 by ANSES (AFSSET at the time), INERIS and IRSN, and joined in 2011 by IRSTEA (CEMAGREF at the time) and IFSTTAR, the charter for openness to society has now been adopted by two new public organisations, the BRGM and Santé publique France, both of whom identify with the shared values and commitments espoused by the charter.

Through their signing of the charter, they commit to pursuing openness and transparency in their research, expert appraisal and risk assessment processes, to promoting the exchange of available scientific knowledge and of the uncertainties surrounding it, and to improving the consideration of stakeholders’ contributions to the research and risk assessment process.

The seven public organisations that have signed the charter are charged with providing the State with scientific and technical support in areas of health and environmental risks, in order to assist in decision making. The charter that was signed today aims to build shared understanding with stakeholders of the complexity of the issues surrounding risk situations and of the alternatives that make it possible to effectively deal with them. It helps to boost the quality of the work that these organisations provide to policy makers, as well as to support society's confidence in the decision-making process.