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ANSES Scientific Conferences - Bee health

International ANSES scientific conference event on bee health

For the seventh consecutive year, ANSES's Sophia Antipolis Laboratory, the European Union Reference Laboratory (EURL) for bee health, is organising its day of meetings devoted to bee health.

The purpose of this conference, which is open to a broad audience, is to review recent scientific advances in the field.

A large part of the day will be given over to debate, with exchanges between the researchers from the EURL, research institutes and the technical institute, as well as stakeholders. 

The topic of the round-table at day’s end will be the impact of agricultural models, growing practices and systemic landscape approaches on pollinator health. It will enable a wide range of players to present virtuous initiatives that have been implemented on the territorial level to improve environmental quality and to protect bee health. 

This event will take place at the Cordeliers campus in Paris.