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Antimicrobial resistance in animals: what major conclusions can be drawn for 2020?

Antimicrobial resistance in animals: what major conclusions can be drawn for 2020?

European Antibiotic Awareness Day is taking place on 18 November 2021. For this occasion, ANSES is publishing the results of several monitoring programmes that it carries out to prevent the emergence and spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in farm and domestic animals in France. Below is a review of some key findings with Jean-Yves Madec, Scientific Director for antimicrobial resistance and Head of the French surveillance network for antimicrobial resistance in pathogenic bacteria of animal origin (RESAPATH), Gérard Moulin, Deputy Director of the French Agency for Veterinary Medicinal Products (ANMV), and Agnès Perrin-Guyomard, Deputy Head of the National Reference Laboratory for antimicrobial resistance.
Marco project: six years of marine research in Côte d’Opale

Marco project: six years of marine research in Côte d’Opale

After six years, the Marco project (Marine and coastal research in Côte d’Opale: from environments to resources, uses and the quality of aquatic products) is coming to an end. In honour of this occasion, its five partner agencies are holding a conference from 13 to 15 October in Boulogne-sur-Mer. Below is an overview of the themes of this project, to which ANSES contributed with regard to the quality of seafood products, in particular by studying microplastics and their impact on them.
Improving the monitoring of antimicrobial resistance in animals

Improving the monitoring of antimicrobial resistance in animals

Monitoring antimicrobial resistance is essential to making sure that antibiotics are used appropriately in order to reduce the resistance of micro-organisms. ANSES scientists have taken part in several studies showing how this monitoring can be improved, either by taking account of bacterial species that are not yet monitored, diversifying surveillance contexts or promoting harmonisation at European level.
How a parasitic worm travelled across Europe

How a parasitic worm travelled across Europe

By analysing the DNA of Echinococcus multilocularis parasitic tapeworms, an international group of scientists led by ANSES has determined how foxes carried this worm, responsible for alveolar echinococcosis, from the Alps to Northern and Eastern Europe.
A new method for monitoring the spread of a deadly bee disease

A new method for monitoring the spread of a deadly bee disease

ANSES has developed a new method that can accurately identify the strains of bacteria responsible for American foulbrood, a deadly bee disease. This method will make it possible to trace the origin of infections and refine health measures to prevent transmission of this disease, for which no treatment is available.
ANSES at the International Livestock Trade Fair (SPACE 2021)

Tuesday, 14 September, 2021 to Thursday, 16 September, 2021

ANSES at the International Livestock Trade Fair (SPACE 2021)

La Haie Gautrais, 35172 Bruz
Public : oui
Parc des expositions de Rennes
This year, once again, we will be at the International Livestock Trade Fair (SPACE) held at Rennes on 14 to 16 September.
Harmonising the tests for detecting plant pests

Harmonising the tests for detecting plant pests

The results of the European Valitest project, coordinated by ANSES, were presented at the project's final general assembly on Wednesday 9 June. This project assessed a total of 83 tests, and led to diagnostic practices being harmonised for 11 plant pests.
ANSES appointed international reference laboratory for contagious equine metritis

ANSES appointed international reference laboratory for contagious equine metritis

On 11 June 2021, the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) appointed ANSES as its reference laboratory for contagious equine metritis. This disease reduces fertility in mares and has major economic consequences.
Consequences of acute exposure to glyphosate in trout
Glyphosate Truite

Consequences of acute exposure to glyphosate in trout

Research conducted by ANSES shows that exposure to a high concentration of glyphosate does not reduce trout resistance to viral infections. However, the combination of these two stress factors of chemical and infectious origin revealed changes in the activity of some enzymes of energy metabolism in the fish.
