Call for research proposals of the national research program for environmental and occupational health (PNREST) - 2015
ANSES launched a call for research proposals on Environmental and Occupational Health on 19 November 2014.
Launched within the framework of the national research program for environmental and occupational health (PNREST), this call for research proposals is to support public policies. It takes into account the research priorities of national plans for Environmental Health, Occupational Health, Cancer, Ecophyto and Ecoantibio 2017.
The PNR EST aims to motivate scientific communities to produce useful data at all stages of health risk assessment and thus to bring together research and scientific expertise. The 2015 call for research proposals deals with the assessment and analysis of environmental risks to human health in the general and occupational population. It is focused on research items raised by the ministries and State agencies involved in these these topics.
This call is funded with budgets allocated to ANSES by the Ministries of the Environment and Labour. This funding is increased by the participation of several co-sponsors: ADEME, ITMO cancer and ministry in charge of agriculture under the Ecophyto plan (with ONEMA) under the Ecoantibio 2017 Plan. In 2015, the total budget is expected to be about 4,5 million Euros.
The 2015 selection process will be organized into two stages:
- an initial selection on the basis of letters of intent,
- a second round of selection based on complete applications.
The call of proposals and the research items
The scope and conditions are described in the text of the call of research proposals. It is accompanied by a list of research items that have been identified as high-priority for potential users of this research in the assessment of risks or the development of risk control measures. These items are the topics that this call aims to document.
Proposal submission terms
Letters of intent and complete applications must be submitted using the online submission platform which is available on the websites of ANSES and the Call’s co-sponsors:
The Research and Intelligence platform for the submission of 2015 applications will be operational as end of November 2014.
Call of research proposals timetable
- 19 November 2014 : Opening of the call.
- 7 January 2015 à midday French time : Last date to submit letters of intent.
- 24 February 2015 : Dissemination of the first selection results, based on letters of intent, to the scientific project managers.
- 26 March 2015 midday French time : Last date to submit complete applications.
- End 2015 : Publication of the final selection results.
Letters of intent must be submitted online by the scientific project managers no later than 7 January 2015, midday French time. |
For those whose letters of intent are selected, complete applications must be submitted by the scientific project managers:
All applications that are incomplete, received after the deadline or do not fulfil the eligibility criteria will not be evaluated. |
For administrative or scientific information, please contact the APR’s support unit: |
- 1. Before the submission of the letter of intent or of the full project, carefully read the text of the call and in particular the section "eligibility criteria" and annexes with the relevant research topics and "liste des chargeable expenses".
- 2. Submit the letter or the full project using the platform (don’t forget to click on the "soumettre" button). It is highly recommended not to wait the deadline.