26/02/2015 1 min

Creation of a training course in toxicology and ecotoxicology: Metatox

ANSES and INERIS today have signed a cooperation agreement with AgroParisTech, at the International Agricultural Show in Paris, to set up a new training module for engineering students. Under the agreement, the three agencies will train engineers to understand current environmental and health issues, with a view to the assessment and management of risks related to the presence of contaminants in the environment.

The purpose of this agreement is to define the nature of the partnership between AgroParisTech, ANSES and INERIS, who wish to work together on a Major (“Dominante d’Approfondissement”) for students in the 3rd year of the engineering course entitled Metatox: "From the assessment to the management of toxicological risks to the health of ecosystems and humans".

ANSES and INERIS will participate in the training alongside AgroParisTech via occasional contributions by professionals, offers of internships and projects.

This course will commence in the new academic year, in September 2015.