The One Health European Joint Programme end
After more than five years, the One Health European Joint Programme (One Health EJP) will be ending on the 30th of September 2023. On this occasion, ANSES, as the Coordinator of the Programme, is holding the final meeting that will bring together members of the 44 partner organisations, alongside key European and international stakeholders, on the 11th and 12th of September, in the premises of the French Ministry of Health and Prevention in Paris. The One Health EJP (OHEJP) gathered researchers in the fields of animal health, public health and food safety to achieve significant advances in the areas of foodborne zoonoses, antimicrobial resistance and emerging zoonotic threats. Beyond research results, the programme has created a unique EU consortium supporting and, above all, implementing the One Health approach in food safety.
An interdisciplinary, integrative and international approach to One Health is essential to address the existing and emerging threats of zoonotic diseases and antimicrobial resistance. The One Health EJP helped to strengthen cooperation between its 44 partners (including the Med-Vet-Net Association) from 22 different European countries, 20 of which are members of the European Union, with representatives from the human and veterinary public health and food safety sectors in most of the countries.
The closing meeting will be the occasion to highlight the research and training outcomes produced over more than 5 years in the foodborne zoonoses, antimicrobial resistance, and emerging threats domains, and the progress made for the sustainability of the OHEJP’s outputs. With the participation of key stakeholders of the OHEJP, the participants will draw a picture of the OHEJP’s legacy and emphasise the future perspectives of this unique One Health consortium.
The OHEJP has provided opportunities for harmonisation of approaches, methodologies, databases and procedures for the assessment and management of foodborne outbreaks across Europe and between the human and the veterinary public health sectors. This led to improved quality and compatibility of information useful for decision-making.
Thus, public health, animal health and food safety actors can take up the outcomes of the OHEJP to reach out to and collaborate with experts in the other sectors in order to strengthen their countries preparedness against foodborne outbreaks (i.e., improved capability, capacity, prevention, detection and response).
The One Health EJP in brief
- Running for almost six years, from 1 January 2018 to 30 September 2023.
- Bringing together 44 partners from 22 European countries (20 EU Member states) and the Med-Vet-Net Association: public health, animal health and food safety agencies and research organisations.
- A total budget of 90 M€, 50% co-funded by the EU's Horizon 2020 framework programme for research and innovation, and 50% and by the partners.
- Follows on from the EU 6th Framework Programme’s “MED-VET-NET Network of Excellence”, which aimed to bring together expertise in veterinary science, public health and food safety at European level.
- 24 collaborative research projects and 17 PhD projects addressing foodborne zoonoses, antimicrobial resistance and emerging zoonotic threats.