Transmission of pathogens between pollinators
Une abeille

Transmission of pathogens between pollinators

A study carried out in eight European countries confirms that pathogens can be transmitted from one species of pollinating insect to another. The health of wild pollinators can therefore be affected when a contaminated colony of honeybees is established nearby. Unlike in previous studies, the results did not show any significant effect of the type of crop grown in bee foraging areas.
Discovery of triple resistance to antiparasitic drugs in equines
Des chevaux dasn un pré

Discovery of triple resistance to antiparasitic drugs in equines

For the first time in France, a single farm has been found infested with digestive parasites known as cyathostomins, or small strongyles, resistant to all three classes of antiparasitic drugs authorised for equines. They were discovered as part of a study carried out by an ANSES team on a racehorse stud farm.
Towards the integrated surveillance of antimicrobial resistance

Towards the integrated surveillance of antimicrobial resistance

Bacterial resistance to antibiotics is a major health problem for both humans and animals. In France, the use of antibiotics and the distribution of resistant bacteria are covered by several surveillance schemes that do not consistently or sufficiently collaborate with one another. The Surv1Health project, which has just been completed, aimed to identify ways of breaking down silos in the surveillance of antimicrobial resistance and making it more useful as part of the ‘One Health’ approach.
Vector-borne diseases: a concern for cattle health
 vecteurs dans les élevages bovins

Vector-borne diseases: a concern for cattle health

The common factor linking bluetongue, epizootic haemorrhagic disease, besnoitiosis, etc. is that they are all caused by pathogens transmitted to ruminants by arthropods such as ticks, midges or mosquitoes. ANSES has funded a review of studies carried out in metropolitan France, which highlighted the many gaps in current knowledge about the vectors found on cattle farms and the pathogens they can transmit. Such knowledge is nevertheless essential given current global changes, which are having an impact on vector distribution and therefore on the epidemiology of vector-borne diseases in livestock.
Approval of water analysis laboratories: a joint ANSES/OFB portal

Approval of water analysis laboratories: a joint ANSES/OFB portal

On 25 March 2024, ANSES and the French Biodiversity Agency (OFB) inaugurated a joint portal to provide access to both of their information systems dedicated to applications for the approval of water analysis laboratories. The OFB handles environmental approvals and ANSES handles water quality monitoring approvals.
The main Mycoplasma bovis subtype in France actually conceals two lineages
Mycoplasma bovis

The main Mycoplasma bovis subtype in France actually conceals two lineages

A study of Mycoplasma bovis , a bacterium that is pathogenic for cattle, has revealed the presence of two lineages in France, whereas the population of bacteria of the main circulating subtype was previously thought to be homogeneous. This discovery will help improve surveillance of this bacterium.
Renewal of a project to control bovine tuberculosis in the Pyreneess Pyrénées
Réseau transpyrénéen de recherche et développement d'outils innovants pour le contrôle de la tuberculose animale

Renewal of a project to control bovine tuberculosis in the Pyreneess Pyrénées

The Bacterial Zoonoses Unit of ANSES's Laboratory for Animal Health, which is the National Reference Laboratory for tuberculosis, will be involved in the second part of a project to control bovine tuberculosis in the Pyrenees that will run from 2024 to 2027.
PARC: developing new methods for testing the toxicity of chemicals
PARC : vers de nouvelles méthodes pour tester la toxicité des substances chimiques

PARC: developing new methods for testing the toxicity of chemicals

One of the goals of the European Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals (PARC) is to develop alternatives to animal testing for assessing the hazards and risks of substances. One of the goals of the European Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals (PARC) is to develop alternatives to animal testing for assessing the hazards and risks of substances.
Making cheese to study health risks

Making cheese to study health risks

Several teams from ANSES are going to make cheese in a laboratory, in order to study the risk of pathogenic organisms being transmitted via cheese consumption. This will be a complex task, due to the precautions that will need to be taken to avoid any external contamination by the micro-organisms under study.
Bumblebees affected by pesticide use

Bumblebees affected by pesticide use

A study to which ANSES contributed has revealed the adverse effects of the use of plant protection products on bumblebee populations. It found that on sites where the highest quantities of product residues were measured, colonies had fewer offspring and lower weights. The study's findings were published in the journal Nature on 29 November 2023.
